Monday 6 September 2010

Media Consumption LOG- Week 2

In a course of a single day how much time did you spend with:

Friday 1:00-12:00 p.m

Print: 1 hour 20 minutes

Photography: 20 minutes

Radio: 20 minutes

Film: 3 hours

Television: 1/2 hours

Computer:  9 hours

What other types of media did you encounter?

·       I encountered several online advertisements

-       - DHL

-       - Hummer

-       - Samsung Mobile Phones

-       - Twitter

-       - Inception (movie)

-       - The Expendables

-       - Cinema City

-       - Gallete Bakery

-       - Camel cigarettes

-       - Coca Cola

-       - Chocolate Milk

-       - Humos ad

-       - Toyota Ad

-       - Disney

-       - Panasonic

-       - Acer

-       - VISA

-       - Guinness bar

-       - Carlsberg

-       - Heineken 

·       Additionally, I encountered several billboards and posters in the shopping mall:

-       - Play Station 3

-       - Max Brenner

-       - Castro

-       - Guitar Hero IV

-       - Sony Vaio laptop

-       - Modern Warfare III

How much of your time was devoted to multiple media?

Approximately 2 hours of my time was devoted to multiple media.

Which media were used in a combination?

I used the reading book with my ipod all the time.

I used my ipod when I was working on my posters.

Radio and twitter.

Magazine and radio.

How much of your media activity was voluntary?

 70% of my media activity today was voluntary and completely out of my choice.

How much media activity was involuntary?

About 30% of my media activity was involuntary (during school hours).

How much involuntary media was embedded in voluntary media?

Through the 30% of involuntary media activity, 10% was probably voluntary.

Reflection: I had rather a lot more control over the media that I was using today. This is because I was working on my poster for Student Council Elections, so there was a lot of research involved and that is why I was more aware of the media I was using. I noticed that I when I was working and looking through magazines to collect pictures for my collage I realized that magazines are one of the biggest source of advertisement because firstly, not everywhere is internet as easily accessible to people like in Israel, so there is  a large, so there is  a large population, especially teenagers who subscribe to fashion magazines etc. secondly, there were more then 3-4 advertisements per page, and I am fascinating because I noticed that the advertisements were promoting a picture, or an image, that had nothing to do with their product, but they were targeting the youth, anywhere between 14-22 years, by selling them sex and the glamour world. It is like they are trying to trick the youth into believing that, for example, the new Diesel campaign, “Be Stupid”, is trying to promote people to be stupid, and break from the normal customs, because we would not be creative, if we did not have stupid ideas. I found a few of their posters, sensible because it provoked a very “cute” emotion towards the poster, but the others were clearly trash, and hard to understand.  

I went like "Awww...":

And then I went, “What the hell…….”

On the official site, people had mixed opinions:

"Wow…Tough crowd. I didn’t get into advertising to make a lot of money. I did it because I loved it and had passion for it. I think this campaign is fantastic because it sets out to “change our perceptions.” Isn’t that what it’s all about, the changing of perception, looking at something from a different perspective? To me, most advertising is pretty boring. The Diesel campaign is fresh, lively, and although corporate types may nay-say it to death, who gives a crap?" - January 28, 2010 at 8:21 am

"That’s the thing. you should try to understand the definition of stupid from diesel. stupid is the one who has the balls to do something that others don’t, a thing that is going to make a diference. they have one thing on their spot that goes around these thoughts… “be stupid, don’t be dumb”. there’s a difference so your interaction with the ads are just wrong. it’s seems that you didn’t get the idea of it." - February 12, 2010 at 2:09 am

While others said:

 "This is embarrassing. This ad campaign and your one-dimensional defense of it is just a testament of how lazy and jejune the whole mediocre institution of advertising has become. I live in NYC, and two weeks ago the entrance stairwell I pass through on my daily subway commute was relentlessly covered in these ‘Be Stupid’ adhesive-poster ads. My twice-a-day (or more) forced endurance of these ads has inspired me to think of an appropriate metaphor: my interaction with these ads is like being in a romantic relationship with a stupid person. At first, judged on face value, I find her cute, fun, and attractive, and I mistake her stupidity for carefree optimism. “Oh I’m so envious of your carefree lifestyle!” It’s intoxicating." - February 10, 2010 at 9:58 am

"Yeah, we know you’re stupid, don’t brag on something you can’t help.The ads are gross and sexist…I don’t see any naked dudes, only women. If you’re going to do naked be fair."- February 12, 2010 at 6:18 pm

1 comment:

  1. Manas,

    You have completed your logs very well. In addition to this, you will need to add one paragraph at the end for analysis. Looking at your results, are there any connections you can draw? For example, are the posters in the shopping mall for products you would buy there? Were the tech ads designed for a youthful market?

    Mrs. B
